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Fire Mom


It's All Hard

The other day I was picking up my kids from day care and started talking with some of the other parents. Naturally we were complaining...

My Guide to Baby Stuff

I get asked what kind of things I recommend for baby stuff ever since I became a mom and with increasing frequency since the twins were...

The Myth of "Having It All"

Before I had kids I knew that becoming a parent would change my perspective on things and potentially change some of my opinions. I used...

More than Just the Blues

I have chronic severe clinical depression. Depression is one of those things that you really don't get unless you've gone through it or...

Stuff My Kid Says

It was frustrating when my oldest was a baby and couldn't talk. She would scream and we would spend so much time and energy trying to...

So Where Does That Leave Me?

When I was pregnant with my first child, I, through tears, asked Husband what would happen if we couldn't handle having a kid. He said...

A Day in My Life

There are quite a few posts, articles, TV segments, etc about what life is like for a "busy mom." Mostly I find these a tad unrelatable...

Mom, the Perpetual Fun Ruiner

I sit here writing this at my desk which is in the corner of my bedroom, sitting on a dining room chair because a real office chair won't...

I love my kids, but....

How many times have you started a story or a statement about your children with the phrase “I love my children, but….”? Why do we do...

Welcome to the Fire

The other day some one asked my three-year-old daughter what she wanted to be when she grew up (which is such a crazy question for a...

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